
vas deferens Learn more about vas deferens

  • How to inseminate sows and how to inseminate sows

    How to inseminate sows and how to inseminate sows

    First, the spongy head of the vas deferens is lubricated with semen or lubricating glue, then the labia of the sow is separated by hand, and the vas deferens is slowly inserted into the vagina at a slightly oblique upper angle, when the vas deferens is inserted at about 25-30cm, it will feel some resistance, then the vas deferens

    2020-11-08 How to to sow insemination technology tutorial summary first of all will
  • Vas deferens ligation in experimental ram

    Vas deferens ligation in experimental ram

    The most commonly used methods for estrus identification of sheep are external observation and ram estrus test. But its accuracy is poor and the operation is inconvenient. This paper introduces the application of vasectomy test method of ram. 1 instruments, drugs and articles 2% procaine hydrochloride, bromogeramine, No. 6 sutures, sutures, routine surgical instruments, razor holders (blades), towels, soap, gauze, 5% iodine, 75% alcohol and saline. 2 disinfection and Baoding choose the right side of lying Baoding, the left hindlimb

  • Technical points of artificial insemination in Pigs

    Technical points of artificial insemination in Pigs

    During artificial insemination, the vas deferens must be slowly inserted along the upper wall of the vagina and rotated and pushed to enter the uterine body through the cervix. The depth of the vas deferens is 23cm to 30cm; avoid sunlight, electric light and other light, in short, semen needs darkness; semen

    2020-11-11 Pig artificial insemination technology key points time vas deferens
  • Vasectomy of ram and postoperative treatment and nursing

    Vasectomy of ram and postoperative treatment and nursing

    The ligation of the ram is the ligation or removal of the vas deferens (preferably one), and makes the ram have a good sexual desire for testing after the operation. A total of 205 cases of ligation were performed from 1997 to 2006, with a success rate of 100%. The operation methods and matters needing attention are summarized as follows. (1) the selection of 1.1 ram before operation, the healthy ram with bright male characteristics between 4 years old must be selected as the object of operation. 1.2 preparation and disinfection of surgical instruments and establishment of surgical procedures.

  • Application of Pig artificial insemination Technology in Rural areas

    Application of Pig artificial insemination Technology in Rural areas

    Farmers raising sows in bulk can not only make full use of the remaining meals, but also increase the economic income of the family. In particular, with the construction of rural biogas digesters in recent years, in order to produce sufficient biogas, each household has grown from one or two pigs to eight or nine now. In this way, timely breeding of estrus sows becomes a problem. In the past, rural areas used to use Ben to bring in other people's boars or take sows out. It is very inconvenient to transport pigs around, and it is not conducive to disease control. For the sake of others, others raise sows, I specialize in breeding boars and build a small boar station for Zhou

  • The three key techniques of artificial insemination, this article is very thorough!

    The three key techniques of artificial insemination, this article is very thorough!

    The three key techniques of artificial insemination, this article is very thorough!

  • Vasectomy and birth control in deer

    Vasectomy and birth control in deer

    Vasectomy can not only prevent birth control by blocking sperm output, but also does not affect the libido and antler production performance of male deer. Now the relevant situation of the operation is summarized below. 1 preoperative preparation 1.1 A small amount of digestible feed should be fed the night before operation, but not in the next morning, and the operation should be carried out in the morning or morning. 1.2 Anesthesia in order to enhance the anesthetic effect, the dosage of Mianailing can be increased by 1.5 × 2 per deer intramuscularly. 1.3 scrubbing, scraping, drying and scrubbing

  • Several problems that must be paid attention to in artificial insemination of sows!

    Several problems that must be paid attention to in artificial insemination of sows!

    Several problems that must be paid attention to in artificial insemination of sows!

  • Eight steps of garlic vas deferens nursing

    Eight steps of garlic vas deferens nursing

    Prepare the soil and fertilize. You should choose fertile loam or sandy soil that has not been planted with onions, garlic or leeks. 7500 kg of high-quality soil and miscellaneous fertilizer and 200kg of bean cake were applied every 667m2 before cultivated land. Or apply 100,150kg of ternary compound fertilizer and 5000 kg of soil fertilizer every 667m2. The ground should be leveled and raked fine. Combined with soil preparation, 667 square meters of phoxim granules 1.5-2.5 kg, mixed with appropriate amount of wheat bran bean cake into poison bait, sprinkled into the soil of cultivated land to eliminate grubs, golden needles,

  • Eight steps of vas deferens nursing before garlic winter

    Eight steps of vas deferens nursing before garlic winter

    Prepare the soil and fertilize. You should choose fertile loam or sandy soil that has not been planted with onions, garlic or leeks. 7500 kg of high-quality soil and miscellaneous fertilizer and 200kg of bean cake were applied every 667m2 before cultivated land. Or apply 100,150kg of ternary compound fertilizer and 5000 kg of soil fertilizer every 667m2. The ground should be leveled and raked fine. Combined with soil preparation, 667 square meters of phoxim granule 1.5-2.5 kg, mixed with appropriate amount of wheat bran bean cake into poison bait, sprinkled into the soil of cultivated land to eliminate grubs, golden needles, mole cricket and so on.

  • Technique and Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Fertilization in Rex Rabbit

    Technique and Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Fertilization in Rex Rabbit

    Artificial insemination of rabbits mainly includes semen collection, semen quality evaluation, dilution, preservation, transportation and insemination. The operation of rabbit artificial insemination device is as follows: 1. Preparation before sperm collection (1) Preparation of sperm collector. At present, there is no unified sperm collector.

    2020-11-08 Rex rabbit artificial fertilization technology and pros and cons sperm collection organ
  • Cotton vas deferens get twice the result with half the effort at seedling stage

    Cotton vas deferens get twice the result with half the effort at seedling stage

    & nbsp & nbsp on May 25, at the invitation of the Guangzong Service Station of the Cotton Committee of the China Agricultural Technology Association, I went to Gaojiazhuang, Fengjiazhai Township, Guangzong to see the cotton fields and discussed the current management technology with the farmers. Guangzong County, adjacent to Weixian County, is a dry zone with less rain and more sand in the central and southern part of Hebei Province, which is very suitable for growing cotton and is one of the key cotton producing counties. At present, the seedling situation is growing well, there are 4 true leaves, and the seedlings are basically disease-free; some near the tree edge are damaged by cotton bug bugs, and a few cotton seedlings have cotton aphids, and the villagers have carried out control. Due to the adoption of

  • Skills of artificial insemination in raising pigs

    Skills of artificial insemination in raising pigs

    At present, many farms are raising pigs, the economic benefit is relatively high, and the sales volume of the market is also relatively stable. Breeding needs breeding first, so what are the skills of artificial insemination in raising pigs? First, identify estrus according to the performance and reproduction of sows.

    2020-11-11 Pig raising artificial insemination skills now there are many Xu
  • The sow is difficult to give birth for 2 days, what if you can't take it out? Common treatment methods

    The sow is difficult to give birth for 2 days, what if you can't take it out? Common treatment methods

    Stillborn fetus: sows with continuous lochia and symptoms of delivery can connect the vas deferens with a syringe and inject saline with a concentration of 1% Mel 3% and a temperature of 36-38 ℃ into the uterine cavity of the sow, until salt water flows out of the sow, and then is used to induce labor.

    2020-11-08 Sow dystocia 2 days out not out how to do attached common
  • Let's take a test: how many points can you get for your pig raising skills?

    Let's take a test: how many points can you get for your pig raising skills?

    Let's take a test: how many points can you get for your pig raising skills?

  • Feeding and management skills of sows

    Feeding and management skills of sows

    Feeding and management skills of sows

  • How do earthworms reproduce?

    How do earthworms reproduce?

    The reproduction mode of earthworms: hermaphroditism, heterogamy, reproduction by banding to produce egg cocoons, reproduction of the next generation. Earthworms are androgynous, and the male reproductive organs are in the 10th. At the back of verse 11, there are two pairs of seminal vesicles, each with a testis and a seminal funnel.

    2020-11-11 Earthworms how reproduction offspring earthworms way male and female
  • The best period of sow artificial breeding

    The best period of sow artificial breeding

    Generally, 1930 hours after the sow is in estrus, the redness and swelling of the vulva of the sow begins to subside and there is a filamentous mucus outflow, and when the hindquarters of the sow are pressed to stand still, they can be mated. Before mating, first check whether the vaginal secretion of the sow is normal, if it is normal, once the station appears

    2020-11-11 Sow artificial mating best period general in sow estrus
  • Treatment method of return to estrus in sows

    Treatment method of return to estrus in sows

    First of all, we can find out the reason for the sow's love, and then we can find a way to deal with it. Generally speaking, the reasons for the return of sows are untimely mating time, poor semen quality of breeding boars, mating failure of breeding boars, lack of breeding hygiene, delayed or anovulatory ovulation in sows, and females.

    2020-11-11 Sow return treatment method first of all find the sow return to love
  • Technical specification for feeding management and artificial insemination of breeder Roosters

    Technical specification for feeding management and artificial insemination of breeder Roosters

    Technical specification for feeding management and artificial insemination of breeder Roosters
